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 Nancy and Maggie

No More Homeless Pets

    The first time I ever heard about the No More Homeless Pets, No-Kill philosophy I felt so happy and excited. An acquaintance named Jacqueline Tara, who is a major animal lover like myself, told me about a wonderful place called Best Friends Animal Sanctuary

    She said that they take in abandoned, abused, and special-needs animals, and care for them, while finding them permanent loving homes. The animals that are not adopted, live out the rest of their natural lives there. They are not euthanized because they are homeless.

    Instead, the incredibly loving people at Best Friends devote themselves to the care and well being of each and every one of the animals that they give a permanent home to at their amazing sanctuary. Up until then, I was only aware of animal shelters where the animals that were not adopted were killed. Millions of animals are euthanized every year, and it breaks my heart.

    I was eager to know more about this marvelous place, so Jacqueline loaned me her copy of a book entitled Best Friends: The True Story of the World’s Most Beloved Animal Sanctuary, by Samantha Glen. I loved looking at the many wonderful photos. Each night I thoroughly enjoyed reading about this group of caring people who bought 3,000 acres of raw land in Southern Utah near the Grand Canyon in 1982, and devoted themselves to working together to create this safe haven for the animals.

    I loved spending time in their world, where they lived their belief that through kindness to animals, humans, and our planet Earth, we can create a better world. I felt so encouraged to know that there are other people who love and respect animals as much as I do.

    The stories about the animals and the dedicated staff and volunteers who care for them were so beautifully written, that I felt like I was actually there with all of them. I laughed out loud and wept tears of grief and gratitude, as I savored every moment in this very moving and touching book. I enjoyed it so much that I read it twice, which is very unusual for me, since I have been a slow reader throughout my life.

    It was here that I first learned about hoarders, and the horrific lives of thousands of dogs who are born and bred in small cages in puppy mills to be sold to pet stores. And I also discovered Best Friends’ vision of a world with No More Homeless Pets. A world where it is unheard of to kill an animal who does not have a home.

    Then I discovered their wonderful website filled with gorgeous photographs, videos, information, and resources. I immediately made it my homepage on my computer and continued to learn more about the good work that Best Friends is doing in our world, including rescuing, rehabilitating, and finding permanent, loving homes for survivors of Hurricane Katrina and the abused fighting dogs of an ex-football-star.

    In January 2008 they debuted their television series on the National Geographic channel called “Dogtown”. I was so excited to get to see more of this inspiring place and the animals and humans there. Again, I was very moved and felt so grateful to see the incredible work that these amazingly caring, strong, and courageous people do to help our precious animals in need, especially those suffering in the most deplorable conditions.

    I have come to learn that Best Friends Animal Society runs the largest sanctuary for abused and abandoned animals in the United States, and is also home to a host of wildlife who find refuge there. They operate a low-cost spay/neuter program, sponsor a network of members in rescue, foster care, and humane education, and work with humane groups nationwide to bring about a time when there will be No More Homeless Pets.

    The society is supported primarily by memberships and donations, and subscriptions to their magazine. I feel very happy and honored to support their fine work, and I invite every animal lover everywhere to become a member of this great organization that is making our world a better place through their kind actions.

    For as little as a very modest annual donation, all members not only help the animals, but they also receive a subscription to their wonderful Best Friends magazine filled with beautiful photographs, interesting and educational articles, and valuable information and resources.

    Please visit to find out more about this very special place for our precious animals in the majestic red-rock country of Angel Canyon, Utah. I believe that you will be as inspired and uplifted as I am.

    There are also many other caring organizations around the world that are doing good work for our animals, including those in your local area. For me, it is a privilege to support the wonderful work of the loving, dedicated people at no-kill animal sanctuaries in my community.

    Please consider giving of your time, talent, skills, ideas, money, or other valuable and much-appreciated resources in any way you may choose, to help animals in need. And please share about the goal of No More Homeless Pets with your animal-loving friends.

    I thank you, and I know the animals thank you very much!

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