Sing to the Animals CD cover


 Nancy and Maggie

Welcome to Sing to the Animals!

    Sing to the Animals is a unique collection of easy listening songs that animal lovers of all ages and their pets really love!

    This CD is an album of love songs to animals that are soothing, uplifting, and healing for animals and humans.

   Singer/songwriter Nancy Hart inspires us with her beautiful, sweet voice, as she sings her heartfelt, original lyrics of love, respect, and appreciation to our precious animals.

    Her lovely melodies, which are beautifully arranged and performed by amazing musicians, enrich these calming ballads of joy, peace, and hope.

    Sing to the Animals is a rare treasure for pets and their people, from children to seniors, and all ages in between.


    One day on the way to the vet’s office with my Maggie cat meowing unhappily in her carrier on the seat next to me, for some reason I spontaneously started singing the comforting words that I had always spoken to her in the past.

    On that autumn morning in 2002, I had no idea that a few years later I would have written and recorded a collection of songs for the very first time in my life of fifty-plus years, and that each one of them would be a heartfelt expression of my lifelong love and respect for animals.

    Maggie’s pure love and gentle sweetness made it possible for me to become the singer/songwriter that I had always wanted to be.

    I love you, Maggie.


© 2007 - 2008 Sing to the Animals. All rights reserved.